domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Ebola in West Africa

Today, many people will have forgotten this problem, but it still being a huge trouble in a few countries of Africa. Ebola caused at the beginning of the year millions of deaths, and nobody have made anything to fix it. Ebola has some symptoms like puking blood, high fevers and terrible muscle pain, and it's so contagious. Besides, it hasn't been discovered the healing yet. Anyone of us know how big is the problem, because, even in Spain, the sickness has affected severely to a nurse in Madrid. Thus, I think the governments of rich countries should investigate further for discovering the antidote and treating this serious sickness. Ebola is a major issue, certainly, but it has been forgotten because most of the people who are affected by this sickness don't have the resources in order to complain for the money to pay the treatment or to raise the awareness of the rich countries. Thus, the solution resides in giving voice to these people and complaining for them. We can't just talk about a global issue when it affects to people from our country, people who may be able to afford the treatment, so we'll have to cooperate.

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